Copyrighted Photo Permission Form
To be used by professional photographer who has copyrighted
that couple desires to use
Your client wants to use their engagement photo(s)
on their wedding invitations. Because your photo(s) is/are copyrighted we need permission from you, the photographer,
to allow us, My LDS Invitations (www.myldsinvitations.com), to use your materials on the couple's wedding invitations. Your material
may need to be modified (cropped, softened edges, turned to black and white, etc) in order to satisfy the wedding
invitation design and format.
By submitting the form below, you hereby give us, My
LDS Invitations, permission to use your material in the above described manner solely for the use of your client's wedding
invitations. Thank you for your time. A copy of this permission form will be emailed to you at the email address provided
on the form.